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Infinitesemal. How a Dangerous Mathematical Theory Shaped the Modern World
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Landssvikoppgjørets hemmelige historie. Brukte norske myndigheter krigsforbrytere og nazi-metoder ved landssvikoppgjøret?
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Between Occultism and Nazism. Anthroposophy and the Politics of Race in the Fascist Era, Hans Büchenbacher. Erinnerungen 1933−1949, Morgen ved midnatt. Den unge Rudolf Steiners liv og samtid, verk og horisont 1861−1902
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Flogging others: Corporal Punishment and Cultural Identity from Antiquity to the present
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The New Math: A Political History, All Positive Action Starts with Criticism:
Hans Freudenthal and the Didactics of Mathematics
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Fridomens Grenser 1814–1851 Handhevinga av den norske «jødeparagrafen», Paragrafen. Eidsvoll 1814
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En pokkers Skrivesyge. 1700-tallets dansk-norske tidsskrifter mellom sensur og ytringsfrihet